Statute of the Saudi Communications Commission

عدد مرات التصفح5332 طلب اشعار

نبذة عن النظام

This Law includes:
• Definitions of words and phrases mentioned in this Law.
• The Commission’s legal personality and its headquarters.
• The Commission’s methods of organizing the communication sector.
• Board of Directors and its authorities.
• Board of Directors’ meetings and decisions.
• The Commission’s governor and his authorities.
• Financial resources.
• Fiscal year

Statute of the Saudi Communications Commission
1422/01/01 هـ الموافق : 26/03/2001 مـ
1422/01/01 هـ الموافق : 26/03/2001 مـ

نـــص النظـــام

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Statute of the Saudi Communications Commission

1422 هـ

Statute of the Saudi Communications Commission