Law of Practicing Healthcare Professions

عدد مرات التصفح28635 طلب اشعار

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This Law includes:
• Practicing healthcare professions License
• Definitions of words and phrases mentioned in this Law.
• Practicing healthcare professions License conditions.
• License period.
• Duties of the healthcare practitioner (General duties - duties towards patients and duties of fellowship)
• Professional responsibility (Civil responsibility, penal responsibility and discipline responsibility)
• Investigation and trial (formation of the legitimate health authority, its headquarters, membership, responsibilities and meetings) • Final provisions.

Law of Practicing Healthcare Professions
1426/11/04 هـ الموافق : 06/12/2005 مـ
1426/11/28 هـ الموافق : 30/12/2005 مـ

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Law of Practicing Healthcare Professions

1426 هـ

Law of Practicing Healthcare Professions