Law of National Center of Documents and Archives

عدد مرات التصفح46155 طلب اشعار

نبذة عن النظام

This Law includes:
• Establishment of the National Center of Documents and Archives
• The Centre’s purpose, which is “Putting the Law of Documents and Archives into effect”.
• The Centre’s authorities in order to achieve this purpose.
• Formation of the Centre’s committee and its competencies.
• Authorities of the Director-General of the Center.

Law of National Center of Documents and Archives
1409/10/23 هـ الموافق : 28/05/1989 مـ
1409/11/20 هـ الموافق : 23/06/1989 مـ

نـــص النظـــام

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Law of National Center of Documents and Archives

1409 هـ

Law of National Center of Documents and Archives