Law of Benefit Exchange between the Civil and Military Pension Laws and the Social Insurance Law

عدد مرات التصفح9293 طلب اشعار

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This Law includes:
• Definitions.
• The subscriber's right to combine the subscription periods
• Subscription combining conditions.
• Obligations of the first law (the actuarial value that should be transferred).
• Obligations of the last law (retirement pension for the two periods).
• Financial follow up and examining the financial status.
• General provisions • The actuarial schedule.

Law of Benefit Exchange between the Civil and Military Pension Laws and the Social Insurance Law
1424/01/01 هـ الموافق : 04/03/2003 مـ
1424/01/01 هـ الموافق : 04/03/2003 مـ

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Law of Benefit Exchange between the Civil and Military Pension Laws and the Social Insurance Law

1424 هـ

Law of Benefit Exchange between the Civil and Military Pension Laws and the Social Insurance Law