Postal Law

عدد مرات التصفح4631 طلب اشعار

نبذة عن النظام

This Law includes:
• Prerogative Postal services and its provisions.
• Issuing postage stamps
• Postal services tariffs
• Confidentiality of the sent materials
• Importing clearance machines
• Provisions for responsibility.
• Imposition upon the owners of buildings to provide post boxes.
• Penalties for the violation of this Law and the investigation and deciding authority.

Postal Law
1406/02/21 هـ الموافق : 04/11/1985 مـ
1406/04/01 هـ الموافق : 13/12/1985 مـ

نـــص النظـــام

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Postal Law

1406 هـ

Postal Law