Law of Fertilization, Utero-Fetal and Infertility Treatment Units

عدد مرات التصفح10691 طلب اشعار

نبذة عن النظام

This Law includes:
• General provisions.
• Definitions of words and phrases mentioned in this Law
• Fertilization, Utero-Fetal and Infertility Treatment Units compliance with Fatwas issued by the Council of Senior Ulama in the Kingdom
• Fertilization, Utero-Fetal and Infertility Treatment Units Supervision Committee (formation of the committee, membership, meetings and responsibilities)
• License conditions for Fertilization, Utero-Fetal and Infertility Treatment Units
• Committee of violations.
• Penalties
• Final provisions.

Law of Fertilization, Utero-Fetal and Infertility Treatment Units
1424/11/21 هـ الموافق : 13/01/2004 مـ
1425/11/12 هـ الموافق : 24/12/2004 مـ

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Law of Fertilization, Utero-Fetal and Infertility Treatment Units

1424 هـ

Law of Fertilization, Utero-Fetal and Infertility Treatment Units